
How do I access Te Ara Pae Ora?
Download the app or visit
Search for Te Ara Pae Ora on Apple App Store or Google Play Store
Do I need to register to access Te Ara Pae Ora?
Āe, you will need to register using your email address and name. By registering you can set your own password to keep your information safe and secure.
I have registered online, now what?
Once you have registered, you will receive an email to activate your account. Check your junk mailbox for this email and follow the instructions to complete your registration.
Logging in
I can't log in
You will get the message ‘Incorrect username or password’ when logging in, if you are using the wrong username and/or password. Check your username is correct and your password before trying again.
If you get the message ‘Server error or account is locked’ this means you have had too many attempts at logging in with the wrong details. Put the jug on and try again later.
What is my username?
Your username can be found in email you received to activate your account.
I’ve forgotten my password
If you have forgotten your password, click ‘Forgot Password’ from the login page. You will receive an email to reset your password.
How do I log out?
From the app, you can log out by clicking on the profile picture in the menu.
We recommend logging out to keep your information safe.
Can I add MFA to my account?
Āe. Adding multi factor authenication (MFA) to your account will keep your account safe. Turning this on will mean you will need to confirm it is you from your email or cellphone each time you log in. Visit the profile settings on the web portal from to set this up.
What do I do when I log in?
When you first log in, we recommend completing the Tēnei Au (About me) section.
Click on the profile icon to add details about you.
What are the ferns on the home page?
The ferns on the home page represent your growth in each of the areas of Pae Ora as you go through the app.
To update your ferns on the homepage, move the slider on each hauora area to show how you see things at the moment in this part of your life.
What areas of hauora does Te Ara Pae Ora capture?
The app can connect you to information and resources in all these areas of hauora:
- Mauri Ora – individual wellness. Includes Wairua (Spirituality), Hinengaro (Mental Health), Tinana (Physical health) and lifestyle choices
- Whānau Ora – Your relationships and connections. Includes Whānau (family support) and Pūtea (financial)
- Wai Ora – your surrounding and environments. Includes Mahi (work, education training) and Whare (Housing)
Click Next at the bottom of each hauora page to go to the next area.
What is my kōrero?
This is a space for you to write what is important to you in each area of your life. Write your own story. Remind yourself about what’s important or how you would like things to be. This information is for you, but you may wish to share this with others you trust so you don’t need to repeat your story, if you wish.
What type of goals do I set?
Goals are what you’re aiming for or how you want things to be. Setting a goal can create a focus to move closer to your dreams.
Read more about goal setting and making changes.
Make sure you add in action steps you can take to move you towards your goals. You will be able to keep track of your actions within Te Ara Pae Ora.
How do I find support?
In each Pae Ora area, you can see a list of support areas.
Select an area of support to view a list of information, services and resources that can help you in this area.
You can read the summary and click through to their websites to find more information about how to connect with them.
In the future, we hope to connect you directly with these organisations.
*Please be aware that the website will open in your device browser.
Can I find support near me?
Āe, you can filter the support services to be listed by distance or use the filter option to search for your town or region. i.e. Kāpiti
What if I need urgent support?
If you need urgent support, phone 111 in an emergency, contact your GP, call Healthline on 0800 543 354 or call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.
Can I save useful websites to look at later?
Āe, if a support link looks useful, select the organisation and click ‘done’. This will be saved in your Te Ara (Pathways). Click on the paper icon to add your own notes to keep your information together.
How do I update my actions?
You can keep track and update your Actions from the Action icon on the bottom of the screen.
From here, you can add notes about progress and tick actions off. Slide each action left and right to edit and add notes.
How do I add my profile picture?
You can add your own profile picture by clicking on the ‘Settings’ from the menu.
What are Useful Links?
Useful links are links to useful websites that you may wish to access from Te Ara Pae Ora.
You can add your own quicklinks to websites you visit often.
Why is Te Ara Pae Ora sending me notifications?
You will receive notifications when changes have been made to your pae ora plan or pathways. Click on the notifications icon from within the app to view the notification.
You can turn notifications off from your device settings.
Sharing Information
Who can see my information?
No body can access your information without your permission. You must invite them to view it or grant access.
If you have completed a Hauora Plan with your medical centre, they will be able to view this information as they helped you to complete the plan with you.
You can view who has access from ‘My Pae Ora Team’ / Invited Team. You can also access an audit of who has accessed your information from the web portal (not yet available from the mobile app)
How do I share my Pae Ora information with my support people.
You can invite people you trust to access your information. This could be your whānau or care providers you’re already working with.
You can invite them to access your all of your Pae Ora plan and contribute to your goals and actions, or you can restrict people to access a single pathway.
To invite someone to view all pae ora information, invite them from My Pae Ora Team from the main menu.
To invite someone to view just the Ara (Pathway) click on My Pae Ora Team from the menu within the Pathway.
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