Terms and Conditions

Within these terms and conditions we have the following policies:
We may review these terms and conditions and policies from time to time and will post an updated version on our website. These are last updated at September 2022.
Te Ara Pae Ora will comply with all relevant statutory requirements, including but not exclusive to the following:
- Health and Disability Commissioner (Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights) Regulations 1994
- The Privacy Act 2020
- Health Information Privacy Code 2020
- HISO Health Information Security Framework Standard 2015
Privacy and confidentiality remain important aspects of Te Ara Pae Ora as patient information is collected, stored and transferred and therefore covered by the Privacy Act 2020 and Health Information Privacy Code 2020. See the Privacy and Security Policy
Consumer Responsibilities of Using Te Ara Pae Ora:
Informed Consent
Te Ara Pae Ora will adhere to the New Zealand Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. This includes but is not limited to informing patients about the provision of the Hauora Plan or Pae Ora Care Plans explaining clearly our scope of practice, and seeking the patient’s consent before a service is provided
In cases where the patient is not competent and does not have the capacity to give consent, consent should be obtained in the same way as in an in-person appointment. The Care co-ordinator may have to arrange for consent to be given by a family member or friend who has the requisite legal authority (for example, enduring power of attorney or welfare guardian or parent of a child under 16 years of age) to give consent on the patient’s behalf.
- Informed consent needs to be documented in the Hauora Plan or Pae Ora Plan, clinical record or verbal consent is also sufficient.
- By clicking ‘I agree’ you accept these terms and conditions outlined on the Te Ara Pae Ora web portal.
If you have any questions or concerns Please see the Feedback and Complaints Policy
Closing your account
- You can choose to delete your account at any time by sending a request to help@tearapaeora.org.nz. Once notified, all account information and associated data will be removed from access from the system. We will wait 90 days before permanently deleting your account information and all associated records.
- You can also ask us to delete parts of your information or correct information if you think it’s inaccurate. Send a request to help@tearapaeora.org.nz
Privacy and Security Statement – Protecting Your Privacy
Te Ara Pae Ora is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020 and the Health Information Privacy Code 2020.
If you have any questions, please contact us at help@tearapaeora.org.nz
What Information do we collect and where do we get it from?
- When you register for Te Ara Pae Ora, you provide your name and email.
- As part of the Pae Ora Plan you can choose to provide personal information to enable you to understand your wellness needs and connect to relevant services. This information can include health and wellness information about yourself i.e. goals and what’s important to you. You may also provide personal details such as date of birth, gender, address, iwi, and important people details.
- If you choose to connect to service providers through Te Ara Pae Ora, with your permission, we will collect communications between you and your service Provider.
- If accessing Te Ara Pae Ora via your general practice, we may also collect information from your Health Provider; such as your health classifications, Medications and your National Health Index number.
How do we use your information?
Te Ara Pae Ora uses the information that is collected to:
You’re in control
- With your agreement, you can invite whānau and support providers to access your information we hold on Te Ara Pae Ora.
- This can include a person looking after your interests, such as your parent or guardian if you are under 16, or a near relative. Let us know if you have concerns about this.
- Agencies such as District Health Boards, ACC or the Ministry of Health and service providers who use the platform may be given access to non-identifiable information for statistical reporting, population health statistics and funding purposes.
Security of your information
- Your information records are stored in Microsoft Azure datacentre, that is currently based in Australia. Don’t worry – we’re keeping it safe and will move to the New Zealand data centre when it is available.
- We use leading security technologies and have rigorous processes in place to ensure security of your information.We have confidentiality agreements with all service organisations who have access to Te Ara Pae Ora.
- We will securely dispose of your information when we no longer need it (usually after 10 years).
- You can close your account at any time by sending a request to help@tearapaeora.org.nz. We will wait 90 days before permanently deleting your account information and all records.
Can you access your information?
From July 2023, You can access all information, including who has accessed your information from the mobile app or web browser login. You can also ask us to show you the information we hold about you and ask us to correct it if you think it’s inaccurate.
Contact us at help@tearapaeora.org.nz
If you are still unhappy with the response you can call the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on 0800 803 909.
Use of cookies in Te Ara Pae Ora
The Te Ara Pae Ora website and app uses both non-persistent and persistent cookies to manage visits to the site. Non-persistent cookies are temporary and are deleted when a browser session is closed and persistent cookies are used in order that third party vendors, such as Google, can serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to the website and app. Therefore information about a visit to the Te Ara Pae Ora website and app is not permanently stored on a personal computer.
You can change the cookies settings on your device, including so that you are offered whether or not you want to accept cookies. If you do not accept cookies, then that may mean that our website functionality may be affected.
Te Ara Pae Ora uses systems that meet recommended standards to protect the privacy and security of all information. However, the service cannot guarantee total protection against compromising your health and personal information by outsiders; this risk is small, but it does exist.
If you have any questions or concerns please email help@tearapaeora.org.nz
If you are still unhappy with the response you can call the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on 0800 803 909.
Feedback and Complaints Policy
We would appreciate hearing your great feedback at help@tearapaeora.org.nz as providing access to services to you and your whānau is our top priority.
However if this has not been your experience we would like to hear about it as it helps us to learn from your experiences and improve our services.
How to raise a complaint
Step 1: Please provide as much detail as possible in your email and we recommend you do this at the time the issue takes place, so that we can resolve it with you as soon as possible.
Step 2: You can contact our support team using the contact details below. Please write “Complaint” in the subject line of your email.
Email: help@tearapaeora.org.nz please include the following details:
Your name (if different from above)
What Would You Like to Happen as a Result of Raising This Concern/Feedback? (Optional)
A contact phone number in case we need to contact you for more information
A clear description of what you want to complain about and when it happened
Provide any relevant correspondence
Step 3: The process from our end
A senior member of our team will contact you in writing to acknowledge we have received your complaint within 5 working days.
Within ten working days of the written acknowledgement, we will make decisions around the feedback/complaint including whether further time is required to investigate it.
After this time you will be advised as to the outcome of your feedback/complaint.
If you are not satisfied with our actions, you can contact the Advocacy Service of the HDC for guidance, or complain to HDC. If you need some please feel free to call a health and disability advocate to assist you visit https://advocacy.org.nz/ or free-phone 0800 555 050